How to join


Rushmore Golf Club has an incredibly active & friendly membership with many golf & social events taking place throughout the year. Traditionally, the year begins with the new Captain & Lady Captain’s Drive-In & ends with the Christmas Dinner Dance, although in 2009 a new competition, ‘The Cheaters’ Challenge’ sneaked in around New Year.

The first members joined the club in 1997 & since then the membership has grown considerably. The Seniors will play 34 matches against other clubs this year, plus their annual grudge matches against the Rushmore Ladies’ Section & the Ladies fixture card looks similar. The Men play numerous friendly matches & in the Hardy League at weekends, whilst the Juniors enjoy coaching at weekends & matches in the holidays.

We hold a New Members’ Evening twice a year to welcome new members to Rushmore & give them the opportunity to meet the golf club staff & committee.


Application for Membership 2024-25


Contact: Andrea Taylor

Telephone: 01725 516391

Email the Secretary